"When I first started doing Speed Core, I was probably around 102, 103 mph club head speed. Now I'm 109, 110. That’s about 25 to 30 yards longer!
The Speed Core was great because it's incredible how much more of my hips are firing through and how far I'm hitting it now without working hard to do. It just seems easy to hit it long now. And I give total credit to using the Speed Core."
Jeff Brischke
One of the most popular golf personalities and PGA Tour Champions winner Gary McCord has discovered the Fountain of Youth for power, speed and enjoyment of the game…
Rory McIlroy
Amateur Golfer
Dustin Johnson
Amateur Golfer
When you click the link below to try the effortless, almost automatic benefits the Speed Core will give you for your game…the increased range of motion in your core, hips and lower body, the effortless, added speed on all your full shots AND the strength and endurance.
At impact your swing will look more like a Tour player’s and you’ll love being able to play more golf and do it without tightness or discomfort.
You’ll experience what I have and what was proven in the clinical trial…the Speed Core works like no other golf training product you have even tried!
My commitment to you is making sure…
"Before the Speed Core, on a good drive, I’d hit it about 250 on average. After using the Speed Core for a while, I started hitting my drives about 280 yards and do it pretty effortlessly.
Since I started using Speed Core, I've brought my handicap down to a 3.8 from a 6, which is the lowest it's ever been and I give really all the credit to the Speed Core."
Jerry Cooley, MD
"I’m 63 years old and there's nothing that I've found in the past that as easy to use as Speed Core. When I first started using the Speed Core, I was carrying my driver about 250 yards. Now it’s 265, even 270 so I’ve added 15 to 20 yards. My swing speed has gone up from 100 to 105 and I’m hitting all my clubs longer.
The benefit of Speed Core is not only the distance, but I found I’m now able to open my hips more to the target area, which has improved my accuracy. My lower body strength has definitely improved and I'm able to walk 18 holes without feeling tired at the end of the round."
Mark Jensen
If you’re watching this, you are one of the very first golfers to have the opportunity to try the Speed Core.
I wouldn’t be here telling you about it if it hasn’t helped me to be able to enjoy golf more…
We’ve put together a pretty great introductory offer for the first 500 golfers who want to give the Speed Core a full test.
You’ll Get the Speed Core Golf Training Product, a $199 retail value of the introductory price of just $169.
Included with the adjustable, easy to use Speed Core are 3 weighted bands, the Green Band, 20lbs to start you off,
The 40lbs Red band to keep building your range of motion, strength & speed and
The 60lbs Blue band to optimize your distance and consistency.
And the Speed Core and Bands come in a convenient pouch that’s easy to take with you anywhere. Home, office even on the road when you travel.
You’ll also receive online access to the Speed Core Instructional Video that will help you get training the right way with your Speed Core immediately.
And how about this…the average age in this clinical trial was 62.7 years old.
So, the Speed Core isn’t just for younger golfers or tour players or physical specimens.
It helps old guys like me too…and young guys and gals and middle age etc. etc.
Build a faster, longer, stronger and fundamentally sound golf swing in just 5 minutes a day, 3 times a week!
I wanted to help my handicap golfer buddies improve their range of motion to get their bodies, core and hips to rotate more through impact.
But unlike current tour players, most golfers don’t have the time or inclination to get with a trainer multiple times a week to do it.
I’ve tried just about everything that’s promised to help you hit it longer and play better.
Heavy clubs, light clubs, a Happy Gilmore swing, crazy training aids and on and on… And I’m not sure any of them helped me or my swing because I get bored easily and quit using them because they took too much time and WORK.
And they sure didn’t help me increase the range of motion in my core.
It couldn’t be any more simple…
Click the button below to get the Speed Core trainer rushed to you today…
Pop it in a door…
And start your new life as a golfer who can bomb it off the tee…
Once you do that, you’re on the road to playing the best golf of your life…
I guarantee it.
Here’s the coolest part…using this simple new wonder trainer takes just about 5 minutes a day, 3 times a week and you don’t need to go to the gym. You can do it at home!
You’ll increase your range of motion and hit the ball longer with better fundamentals.
If you think it’s too good to be true, you’re not alone, I did too, but that’s before I started using it.
In the next few minutes, I’ll show you how easy it is to use and how quickly it works.
And you’ll hear from golfers in the clinical trial who added 10, 15 even 20 yards or more to their drives and cut their handicaps down by 2, 3 even 5 strokes or more…and they are all saying it’s due to using this simple little device which I’m calling the fountain of youth for my golf game.
Finally there is ONE, CLINICALLY PROVEN way to easily add 10 to 20 yards or more off the tee…
And it doesn’t matter if you’re 18 years old or 80, a 2 handicap or a 32…
If you think you’ve tried almost every way to get more speed and longer drives or even if you’ve losing distance for decades…
By using the SPEED CORE just minutes a week you’ll not only increase your range of motion, increase your swing speed AND your distance off the tee and with every club in your bag…
You’ll also improve your fundamentals automatically… and after using the SPEED CORE you’ll
Are you ready to start ripping bomb after bomb off the tee, straight down the dead center of the fairway… with less effort and more consistency than you’ve ever thought possible?
If your answer is yes, just click the link and be one of the first to supercharge your swing and your game with the Speed Core!
If you’re still asking, “Gary, what if this doesn’t work for me?”
First off, it’s been proven to work in a doctor run, clinical trial. 21 golfers with an average age of 62.7 years old, increased their range of motion AND their driver swing speed an average of 7.3 miles an hour!
So I’m confident it’ll work for you. But in the very unlikely event that it’s not for you…
… know that
You’re Also Getting A 90-Day, Get STRONGER and hit it LONGER Or It’s Free, 100% Money Back Guarantee
PLUS, our unconditional refund policy.
That means you can try this out completely risk-free… and take up to an entire 3 MONTHS to decide how much you love it.
Speed Core is a rotational hip and core training device proven to increase strength, speed and range of motion.
The Speed Core is made up of a waist belt, loop & hook closures, metal loop hooks, and 3 different weighted resistance bands with an ingenious attachment for easy anchoring into a doorway.
In just a few minutes a week, golfers increased hip and core rotational strength and range of motion.
Results proven in a clinical trial with 21 golfers, average age 62.7 years old showed these golfers increased driver swing speed by an average of 7.3 miles per hour. They also increased their accuracy and lowered their handicap's after using the Speed Core.
Speed Core is a rotational hip and core training device proven to increase strength, speed and range of motion.
The Speed Core is made up of a waist belt, loop & hook closures, metal loop hooks, and 3 different weighted resistance bands with an ingenious attachment for easy anchoring into a doorway.
In just a few minutes a week, golfers increased hip and core rotational strength and range of motion.
Results proven in a clinical trial with 21 golfers, average age 62.7 years old showed these golfers increased driver swing speed by an average of 7.3 miles per hour. They also increased their accuracy and lowered their handicap's after using the Speed Core.
90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
I know the Top Tour players work out with trainers for hours a day and this is a key secret in their workouts...
BUT, I’m 74 now and I don’t have the time or want to workout hard, I want to PLAY golf.
Let me be honest…
How many times have you heard this promise?
“You’ll add 10, 15, even 20 more yards off the tee…”
And you can do it if you buy their new driver, or their new video instruction or their new training product.
But have you EVER seen one that has shown you results from an actual, Doctor run clinical trial?
With over 20 golfers?
And not just in a hour or a day or a week but over 6 months?
Right below are the actual findings in the Doctor run, clinical trial that was conducted over 6 months, with the Speed Core.
You can see that all the golfers increased their range of motion, increased their clubhead speed and added more distance.
In fact, on average, the golfers in the clinical trial, on averaged, added 7.3 miles an hour to their driver swing speed…7.3 miles an hour!!!
That’s 15 to 20 PROVEN more yards!
They did it in just a few minutes a day, using it in their home or office or just about anywhere.
Hi I’m Gary McCord and while I’ve heard crazy speed and distance claims before, I had never seen one that backed it up with actual science.
No matter our age, our handicap, if we play a lot of golf or a little, we all have one thing in common.
We ALL want to hit the ball longer.
Oh, and do it fast without much work right. And how about wanting to enjoy playing golf without any limitations or pain slowing you down?
That’s something we all would love…the problem is, up until now, there’s really not a shortcut to doing it.
I might tell everyone I’m going to work on my speed and hitting it farther, but I honestly, I’d just rather PLAY more golf, NOT spend time working out or practicing for hours on end.
Over the decades, I’ve played and watched just about all of the best players in the game. And I finally figured it out…
It’s not how long your backswing is, not how much your turn your shoulders, not how hard you try to swing the club, no sir…
Just look at the difference between these Tour players at impact and average golfers. You can instantly see it…
Remember, for every 1 mile per hour of clubhead speed… you gain over 2.5 yards of distance.
You can clearly see the Tour players backsides.
Regular golfers…not so much.
This core rotation toward the target not only gives you more speed and effortless added distance, you also get more stability and consistency!
You can imagine, after all these years in the game, how SHOCKED when I found something that actually was proven to help you play more and hit it longer in an actual, scientific, doctor run, clinical trial.
The best part, it’s fun and easy to use, helped me feel better swinging the club and I’m able to play more golf.
My range of motion in my core has increased and is stronger!
For years, really since my days competing and winning on the PGA Tour Champions, I’ve also been suffering with a bad back.
I hit too many range balls, too much twisting!
My sides or obliques actually would give out and I’d have intense pain.
I still LOVE to play golf but my body wouldn’t allow it for more than 9 holes or so without breaking down.
And I love to sit on the range and hit balls and chat with the guys but couldn’t do that for more than a few minutes…
Here it is! It’s called the Speed Core and what’s really great is whether you’re ancient like me and just want to play more golf and do it with less pain and discomfort OR you want to hit the ball longer, a lot longer, with less effort OR even if you just want to have a better, more fundamentally sound golf swing, the Speed Core is the ticket!
And it wasn’t just working for me. This training product is proven in a clinical trial…over 6 months, 21 golfers, average age 62 and a half years old, swung the driver 7.3 miles an hour faster…that’s like 15 to 20 yards longer.
And you’ll do it in just 5 minutes or so, 3 or 4 days a week…
You don’t need to beat more balls, although you’ll be able to if you want!
You don’t need to buy the latest new $500 driver…and you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on lessons.
Just do this one simple exercise with the Speed Core that is not only proven to help your swing speed and power, but will increase your range of motion in your hips and core and have you FEELING better too…even when you’re not playing a round!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve tried just about every device, method, club, training aid that’s come along the past 50 plus years and there had NEVER been anything that’s helped me feel better when I hit balls and allowed me to play more like the Speed Core.
And it’s so easy to use…
Because now there’s finally a clinically PROVEN way to increase your range of motion, increase your swing speed and increase the distance of your drives and every full shot in your bag and do it with very little effort…
I am pretty lazy, I hate to work out, but I know it’s good for me…the Speed Core is like a hybrid of the ultimate golf workout and great fundamental swing training…it’s like a cheat code for your golf game…
When you use the Speed Core, you don’t have to grunt and sweat and grind in the gym to get more mobility and speed…you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on lessons…you don’t need to even spend more than a few minutes a week using it.
But I do know that when you start using the Speed Core, I can personally guarantee you’ll feel better, feel stronger, be able to play more AND hit the ball longer with less effort!
Oh yeah, and you’ll start seeing the improvement in your swing, strength and clubhead speed your very next round after using the Speed Core!
Look how great these amateurs rotate through impact and listen to how much Speed Core helped their games.
90-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Unconditional Refund Policy
No more searching for a longer backswing, faster arm swing or frustration on the tee
No more trying to slow down to maintain control of your driver…
No more embarrassment about your driving distance…
Using the SPEED CORE actually fixes the root cause of your short drives or your fatigue during your round.
And using it will help you eliminate your distance and consistency problems, maybe forever…
Because just like you, and me, these golfers had tried everything, including swinging harder, swinging slower, books, videos and training aids…
And they didn’t get any real results.
Imagine what it would feel like to be able to hit it up to 10, 15 even 20 yards farther off the tee…
That is until they started using the SPEED CORE
Every golf course instantly becomes 300 to 400 yards shorter…
Remember, you only need to use the Speed Core 3 days a week for about 5 minutes.
You can do it at home, in your office, take in with you when you travel, just about anywhere…
Then, after 5 minutes — Yes, just 5 MINUTES a few times a week…
You’ll increase your range of motion, your swing will become more fundamentally sound, more “Tour-like” and you’ll add effortless speed and distance and won’t want to stop after 9 holes or even 18 holes…you’ll want and be able to keep playing as long as you want to.
So, here’s the deal…
It’s that at impact, they’re hips and core have rotated so far that they’re practically are facing the target.
This gives them that effortless looking power. You know, the swings of Freddie Couples, Ernie Els and Rory McIlroy?
They don’t look like they’re swinging fast BUT THEY ARE! They’re in sync and using that incredible range of motion in their core.
And with the SPEED CORE, now you can do it too in just minutes a week!
If you’re like me and have tried dozens of time consuming, expensive and difficult ways to increase your distance…only to be frustrated with poor results.
Help is finally here because…
And now, with the Speed Core, you’ll have a simple and clinically proven way to increase your swing speed, hit the ball longer and lower your handicap fast.
So, are you willing to invest 5 minutes a day 3 days a week to increase your range of motion, add speed, strength and add back lost distance or maybe even hit it longer than you ever have?